In weeks 4 & 5, the EU is asking big questions and looking at the answers Jesus offers - they might just surprise you! Whether you haven’t given Jesus much thought for a long time; or you’re investigating who Jesus is and the difference he makes; or even if you have never really heard much about Jesus at all - all are welcome to join us at a range of special opportunities to hear the unexpected ways Jesus offers confidence, clarity and hope in life.


Week 4 | Tuesday 22nd August

12-1pm, Susan Wakil Room 304

Perfectionism: A Paradox?

Join us to hear a short talk from Kit Ng on perfectionism followed by a time of discussion and Q&A!

Kit Ng graduated from Sydney Uni and worked as a Clinical Dietitian before embarking on theological studies. This is a topic close to her heart as she is a self-professed perfectionist. She hopes to share wisdom from life, research and the Bible to help other perfectionists.

For those who you are free at 1-2pm, then continue to hang out and eat lunch with us, outside of Susan Wakil Building on the grass. BYO Lunch.

This event is organised by the EU Health faculty community. All welcome.

Week 4 | Tuesday 22nd August

12-1pm, Carslaw 273

Jesus & Maths

How does Jesus speak an unexpected answer into the logic of our worldviews? A glimpse of his ideas: "Our ‘theory of everything’ needs to embrace four realities: the legitimate questions of science and mathematics; the meta-mathematical questions of why is the universe so ordered; the non-scientific questions of relationships, ethics, meaning and mortality; and the glorious data-point of the historical resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Christianity is the framework that makes sense of this reality."

This talk is presented by Rowan Kemp. Rowan studied engineering and science at Sydney University, and has a PhD in pure mathematics. He also studied Divinity at Moore College, and is currently the leader of the EU staff team.

This event is organised by the EU Postgraduates & Staff community. All welcome. Connect via our Facebook event.

Week 4 | Wednesday 23rd August

12-1pm, Susan Wakil Room 304

Miracles: Fake or Divine?

This event is organised by the EU Health faculty community. All welcome.

Followed by a FREE instant noodle lunch 1-2pm in the foyer of Level 4 Susan Wakil.

Week 4 | Wednesday 23rd August

12-1pm, Eastern Avenue Seminar Room 312

Can Waste Be Good?

This event is organised by the EU ACES community. All welcome.

Week 4 | Wednesday 23rd August

12-1pm, Education Lecture Theatre 424

Jesus? Why Should I Care?

Have you ever wondered what the big deal is when it comes to Jesus Christ? Have you ever wondered why you should care? These big questions have unexpected answers. Come along to find out more and join us after for free lunch and chats!

This event is organised by the EU Education faculty community. All welcome. Connect via our Facebook event.

Week 4 | Wednesday 23rd August

12-1pm, Law Annex Seminar Room 340

Does Jesus Have a Political Agenda?

'Does Jesus have a political agenda?' It can certainly seem that way. After all, Jesus and Christianity are regularly invoked in political discussion on all manner of issues - from life matters, to racial justice, to sexuality, to care of asylum seekers, and so much more.

Why is it that Jesus is so prominent in our politics?
And is that what he would want? Come along to consider some unexpected answers on the topic of Jesus and politics.

All perspectives welcome! Free lunch afterwards!

This event is organised by the EU Arts & Social Work faculty community. All welcome. Connect via our Facebook event.

Week 4 | Wednesday 23rd August

12:30-2pm, Chemical Engineering Lecture Theatre 1

Jesus, Giver of Hope & Peace

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. But what if life gives you uncertainty, stress, anxiety or depression? What if you don't see an end to the suffering?

What if I told you there's someone who knows your suffering better than you do - someone who can give you a hope and peace that far surpasses the discontentedness of life?

Come along to hear about this someone! Enjoy a free pizza lunch.

This event is organised by the EU Engineering faculty community. All welcome. Connect via our Facebook event.

Week 4 | Wednesday 23rd August

12-2pm, Chemistry Lecture Room 3

What does the Bible have to say about Love?

We all have our own definitions of what love is. It almost feels impossible to define it by one definition, because of how complex love is. But how does Jesus redefine and outlive our expectations of what we imagine love to be like? Come join us to hear a talk from Moussa who is passionate about diving deep into this topic! There will be some time for Q&A followed by a free lunch provided afterwards!

This event is organised by the EU Science & Vet faculty community. All welcome.

Week 4 | Wednesday 23rd August

6:30pm, ABS Seminar Room 1100

What Can’t Money Buy You?

Are you anxious about the corporate grind?
Eager to discover the cost of happiness?
Or do you just want to know… why?

We’ll be hearing from our panelists about the meaning of life beyond monetary success, the challenges posed by increased material wealth in light of the Bible’s call to generosity, and ambition and successfulness within a framework of Christian living.

These panels will be a great opportunity to hear from a range of Christians in the workforce, and to reflect on existential topics from a Christian perspective. There will be a time of structured questions and discussion followed by an open Q&A.

This event is organised by the EU Business & Law faculty community. All welcome. Connect via our Facebook event.

Week 4 | Thursday 24th August

12-1pm, Susan Wakil Room 304

Will I Always Be Anxious?

Chris Cipollone (author of the book Down, Not Out is someone who has
anxiety) and Jeremy Ward (Christian counsellor) will be coming to Sydney Uni
to answer any questions you or your friends might have on anxiety. Bring
your questions! Invite your friends! This event is open to all.

For those who you are free at 1-2pm, then continue to hang out and eat
lunch with us, outside of Susan Wakil Building on the grass. BYO lunch!

This event is organised by the EU Health faculty community. All welcome.

Week 4 | Thursday 24th August

12-2pm, Quadrangle Seminar Room S441

Happily Ever Architecture?
Q&A Panel

Come along and hear answers to your questions about working in design and architecture, life after uni, and how faith in Jesus has impacted our panelists. Our panel members are:
- Laura Bee (UX Designer for 4 years)
- Jane Sorby (over 25 years of experience in Design Consulting in not-for-profit, educational boards and professional organisations)
- Don Mason (Principal Architect for 40 years, current university staff at WSU, Order of Australia Medal winnder for Contributions to Architecture in 2022)
- Hayden Kelly (Architecture new grad)

This event is organised by the EU Design faculty community. All welcome. Connect via our Facebook event.

Week 4 | Thursday 24th August

5:30-7pm, St Barnabas Church, Broadway

Come Home Dinner

What are you searching for in life? Have you found it? What did Jesus give his life to find?Join us for a special "Come Home Dinner" involving a fun scavenger hunt around Barneys Church, a discussion about what Jesus searched for, and yummy dinner!

Meet us at Fisher Library USyd at 5pm. International Students are especially welcome!

This event is organised by EU FOCUS. All welcome.


Week 5 | Tuesday 29th August

12-1pm, Susan Wakil Room 320

Miracles: Fake or Divine?

This event is organised by the EU Health faculty community. All welcome.

Followed by a FREE instant noodle lunch 1-2pm in the foyer of Level 4 Susan Wakil.

Week 5 | Tuesday 29th August

12-2pm, Law Annex Seminar Room 107

Feeling Disillusioned?

Come feast on food and the answers Jesus provides. When a little man with big problems meets Jesus we discover the good news that there is hope for the lost…

Spend some time thinking about big questions and enjoy sushi and snacks with us! Guest speaker: Seth Fellows

This event is organised by the EU Design faculty community. All welcome. Connect via our Facebook event.

Week 5 | Tuesday 29th August

12:30-2pm, Chemical Engineering Lecture Theatre 1

Grilled Cheese & Grill A Christian

Got questions about Christianity? Come along and ask away! Christian or not, all are welcome.

We'll be meeting at J03 Foyer at 12:30pm to enjoy some grilled cheese together (yum) before moving to a time of Q&A at Chem Eng LT1.

This event is organised by the EU Engineering faculty community. All welcome. Connect via our Facebook event.

Week 5 | Tuesday 29th August

6-9pm, Carslaw Room 354

How Does God Judge Criminals?

This event is organised by the EU ACES community. All welcome.

This session includes dinner.

Week 5 | Wednesday 30th August

12-1pm, Susan Wakil Room 304

Will I Always Be Anxious?

Chris Cipollone (author of the book Down, Not Out is someone who has
anxiety) and Jeremy Ward (Christian counsellor) will be coming to Sydney Uni
to answer any questions you or your friends might have on anxiety. Bring
your questions! Invite your friends! This event is open to all.

For those who you are free at 1-2pm, then continue to hang out and eat
lunch with us, outside of Susan Wakil Building on the grass. BYO lunch!

This event is organised by the EU Health faculty community. All welcome.

Week 5 | Wednesday 30th August

12-2pm, Chemistry Lecture Theatre 3

What is Jesus Worth?

Why are there currently 2.6 billion people following a guy named Jesus? What is Jesus worth for him to have that many followers? Come and hear why it is indeed such good and beautiful news to follow Jesus, to discover what Jesus' answer is to when explaining what he is worth! There will be some time for Q&A followed by a free lunch provided afterwards!

This event is organised by the EU Science & Vet faculty community. All welcome.

Week 5 | Wednesday 30th August

12-1pm, Education Lecture Theatre 424

No Silly Questions: Q&A Panel

“There’s no such thing as a silly question” has been the catch cry of teachers for decades, and for the most part, they’re right! It’s right that we ask the big questions in life. Come find out the unexpected answers to these big questions:

  1. Can the Bible be objectively true?

  2. Was Jesus really resurrected?

  3. Am I going to heaven?

Hear from our panel on these topics and come with your own questions for our Q&A! Join us for great discussions and free lunch after the event!

This event is organised by the EU Education faculty community. All welcome.

Week 5 | Wednesday 30th August

6:45-8:30pm, Old Teachers College Assembly Hall

The Mark Drama -
Live Performance

You don’t get crucified as a criminal and worshipped as God without a unique story.

Come and see the story of Jesus’ life and death in a fast-paced, 90 minute theatre-in-the-round production.

Doors open 6:45pm for a 7pm start. Light refreshments served after the performance.

Tickets $10, available here. Connect via our Facebook event.

Week 5 | Thursday 31st August

6:30pm, ABS Seminar Room 2110

Is Work-Life Balance Extinct?

Are you anxious about the corporate grind?
Eager to discover the cost of happiness?
Or do you just want to know… why?

Our panelists will explore the interplay between their faith and their careers, how they prioritise values like rest, community, and self-care against the demands of their careers, and they’ll share some practical strategies on striking a balance between professional aspirations and devotion to God.

These panels will be a great opportunity to hear from a range of Christians in the workforce, and to reflect on existential topics from a Christian perspective. There will be a time of structured questions and discussion followed by an open Q&A.

This event is organised by the EU Business & Law faculty community. All welcome. Connect via our Facebook event.

Week 5 | Thursday 31st August

12-1pm, Susan Wakil Room 304

Perfectionism: A Paradox?

Join us to hear a short talk from Kit Ng on perfectionism followed by a time of discussion and Q&A!

Kit Ng graduated from Sydney Uni and worked as a Clinical Dietitian before embarking on theological studies. This is a topic close to her heart as she is a self-professed perfectionist. She hopes to share wisdom from life, research and the Bible to help other perfectionists.

For those who you are free at 1-2pm, then continue to hang out and eat lunch with us, outside of Susan Wakil Building on the grass. BYO Lunch.

This event is organised by the EU Health faculty community. All welcome.

Week 5 | Thursday 31st August

12-1pm, Carslaw Room 374

What Is Stronger Than Asian Family?

This event is organised by the EU ACES community. All welcome.

Week 5 | Thursday 31st August

12-1pm, Quadrangle Refectory

Justice, Power, and Forgiveness are all hot topics frequently under scrutiny across society through the media, arts, and politics. Some, like forgiveness, are losing popularity with the general zeitgeist; whilst justice and accountability for those in power are growing concerns and demands, especially in the university space. The panel will be a conversation about why these issues strike a nerve in our cultural discourse, and what Jesus has to contribute to the discussion. 

This panel will consist of a current philosophy postgraduate; a law student (who is also the current president of the EU); a former International Justice Mission officer and Sydney Uni alumnus; and an EU staffworker with a Bachelor of Divinity.

This event is organised by the EU Postgraduates & Staff community. All welcome. Connect via our Facebook event.

Justice, Power & Forgiveness Panel Discussion

Week 5 | Thursday 31st August

6:45-8:30pm, Old Teachers College Assembly Hall

The Mark Drama -
Live Performance

You don’t get crucified as a criminal and worshipped as God without a unique story.

Come and see the story of Jesus’ life and death in a fast-paced, 90 minute theatre-in-the-round production.

Doors open 6:45pm for a 7pm start. Light refreshments served after the performance.

Tickets $10, available here. Connect via our Facebook event.