EU Postgrads and Staff (EPS)
EU Postgrads and Staff (EPS) is a community of research postgraduates, academics, and staff at Sydney University who love Jesus, his church, and his world – including the university. We are committed to growing in our faith in Jesus, seeking to think, work, and live in a way shaped more and more by Jesus Christ.
We meet in weekly bible studies, reading groups, and prayer groups across the campus, as well as a variety of other events throughout the year. Whether you’re a follower of Jesus Christ or just interested in exploring His claims we’d love you to get involved!
You can join our Facebook group to keep in touch with what we are doing. Contact us for more information.
What We Do
Small Group Bible Studies
Meet with other postgrads and staff in our interdisciplinary Bible study groups, and explore together how the Bible shapes our faith, life, and work in the university. Our Bible Studies run Monday-Friday; please contact us if you'd like to come to one of our weekly bible study groups.
Discipline Networks
Discipline Networks allow you to gather with other postgrads, academics, and staff in your school/discipline/faculty to pray for your part of the university, and examine what it means to follow Jesus in that discipline. We currently have networks operating in the following disciplines and areas of the university:
Arts & Social Science
Charles Perkins Centre
Engineering & IT
Professional Staff
Contact us to find out more about discipline networks, or to join one.
The purpose of symposia is to 'help postgrads and staff flourish in their workplaces and see how all knowledge finds its fullness in Christ.' Symposia occur 5-6 times each year as a gathering moment for postgraduate students and staff to discuss a range of topics and ideas. Recent symposia have included:
Navigating Difficult Relationships in the Academic World (with Lauren Errington, Executive Director of The Family Systems Institute)
Contributing to your field in the light of the gospel (with Dr Chris Watkins, Monash University)
How to Teach at University Like You Care ( (with Prof Liam Semler, Dr Di Warren, and Dr Jennifer E. Nicholson)
Mental Health & COVID-19 (with Dr Jenny Brown from The Family Systems Institute)
Theological Anthropology & Genre (with Rev Dr Michael Jensen from St Mark's Church Darling Point)
The Ethics of Technology (with Rev Dr Andrew Sloane from Morling College. Sydney)
What's the Point of History? (with Dr Meredith Lake, award winning author of The Bible in Australia and presenter for ABC Radio)
Faith in Science: Living Well as a Christian in Science (with Dr Liz New, Dr Peter Kim, and Dr Luke Barnes)
Postgrad & Staff Day at AnCon
Each year EU Postgrads and Staff take a day off campus to attend the Wednesday of the SUEU’s Annual Conference. It's our yearly retreat to develop as Christians within our vocation and to gather with other postgrads and staff from across the university.
Other Activities
Chaplaincy services at Easter and Christmas for the university staff and postgraduate communities
Partnerships with other academic Christian movements in Australia and Overseas, such as the Simeon Network
The Annual CITE missions and theology conference for Australian academics which runs in Canberra each December concurrently with the AFES National Training Event.