Project200 Conference 2024
“And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." Luke 10:2
Within the EU we are keen to challenge all to consider the opportunity of becoming gospel workers in God’s great harvest field. We are particularly encouraging people to consider being a gospel worker within the LRLR (Less Reached and Less Resourced) parts of Sydney, Australia and the world. Under God we are prayerfully hopeful to raise 200 gospel workers by 2030.
We see the Project200 conference as a key part of our recruitment ecosystem with the EU Graduates Fund.
“Raising future leaders”
This year’s Project200 Conference will be held on September 7-8th 2024 at KCC, Katoomba. Registration on Saturday will be from 9:30am and the conference will conclude at 3pm on Sunday.
At the conference there will be opportunity to:
-hear talks from Rowan Kemp,
-spend time in streamed elective sessions,
-meet 1-1 with a staff worker to talk about your ministry plans,
-talk with others at a same stage of your decision making,
-pray for gospel workers in LRLR places.
Registration is now open. Prices are as follows:
Students : $119
Graduates : $149
Saturday only : $90
Sunday only : $50