2030 Big Kingdom Vision
God willing, the EU will turn 100 in 2030! What would we like the EU to look like in 2030?
The EU’s abiding ‘Mission’ is already constitutionally set in three Objects:
Object 1: To present students with the Christian gospel and to lead them to a personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Object 2: To strengthen Christian students in their faith and witness and to encourage them to continually submit every aspect of their life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Object 3: To ensure that Christians in the University are made aware of the nature, needs and challenge of Christian service at home and abroad.
A ‘Vision’ is a specific, focused description of what we would like the EU to look like in 2030.
There are four components to our ‘Big Kingdom' Vision’. The first concerns prayer and the remaining three correspond to the EU’s three Objects.