EU Events and Conferences
Here are our key conference dates for 2025. Sign-up details will follow when registration is opened.
Each year we host a number of conferences for our students. Check them out below!
Faculty Planning Days: Monday 27 January - 2 February 2025
Faculty Planning Days are for our faculty communities’ leadership to plan for faculty ministry opportunities at USyd in 2025. These days are a critical moment for elected faculty leaders and their faculty committees and team to come together, get clarity about the direction we’re moving in for the year ahead, make foundational plans for faculty life, and prayerfully get ready for kicking off semester one in the following weeks. Each Faculty organises their own planning in this season.
Leadership Summit: Wednesday 12 - Thursday 13 February 2025
Leadership Summit is an exciting and significant gathering of all those students and staff who will serve the Lord Jesus by leading in the EU in 2025. We’ll hear from God’s word about serving as leaders, hear about opportunities and plans for the year ahead, pray together for God’s work, and spend time in faculty groups preparing for the year ahead. The two-day program will inform, equip and inspire our leadership community for the year ahead!
Launch Day: Friday 21 February 2025 | More details
Launch Day is THE day to kickstart EU in 2025! It is the day to celebrate the start of another semester in the EU and provides a great opportunity to meet other Christians and learn about what we do and how you can be involved. During Launch, all year groups from all faculties finally come together as one to learn about God and to share fellowship with one another.
Whether you’ve just enrolled in university, or have been in university for a long time, we are excited to welcome you!
Next Steps: Saturday 5 April 2025 More details
Next Steps is the EU’s unique one-day missions conference to help all students and graduates consider how to serve those Less Reached and Less Resourced (LRLR). Not merely a conference about ministry, nor only for those considering going, Next Steps is a great opportunity to be reminded about God’s global gospel vision and to consider how to leverage every gift whether as sacrificial senders and/or generous goers.
Training Intensives: Tuesday 22 April, Monday 23 June, Tuesday 7 October 2025 (TBC) | More details & sign-up
Each year, in addition to our regular training offered during semester the EU runs some one day intensive training. This year the following intensives will be offered:
Tuesday 22 April (TBC) - Working in God’s World course
Monday 23 June (TBC) - Making Life decisions course
Tuesday 7 October (TBC) - Making Life decisions course; Working in God’s World course
Annual Conference (AnCon): Monday 28 July - Friday 1 August 2025 | More details
The EU's Annual Conference (AnCon) is a 5 day residential conference run by the EU for all university students to come and learn more about who Jesus is. AnCon is held during the last week of the holidays between Semester 1 and 2. It’s one of the EU’s major highlights of the year, where the entire union comes together. Spend a week away with EUers from your faculty, digging deep into the Bible, worshiping God and hanging out together.
Project200 conference: Saturday 13 - Sunday 14 September 2025 | More details - registration is now open
The aim for our Project200 conference is to give EU students and graduates a biblical understanding and vision for vocational ministry and for them to be encouraged and challenged to consider becoming vocational gospel workers.
NTE (National Training Event): Saturday 6 - Wednesday 10 December 2025
A week-long conference run by the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES). As an affiliate of AFES, the EU encourages all its students to attend at least once during their time at uni - go in first year! NTE is a training conference to meet others from students groups across the country and be encouraged to serve Jesus with all your life. Find out more.
LRLR Missions: Wednesday 10 - Sunday 14 December 2025 | More info & sign-up
Each year the sydneyunieu sends mission teams of about 10-15 students to Less Reached people or Less Resourced churches around Sydney and NSW. These missions give tangible experience of LRLR churches and the opportunity to be trained to serve these churches.