Annual Conference: General questions
What is AnCon?
AnCon stands for ‘Annual Conference’ and is a five-day residential conference run by the Sydney University Evangelical Union for all students to come and learn more about who Jesus is. We would love to see you there to spend time with friends, have fun and learn from the Bible.
When is it?
AnCon is held in the last week of the winter holidays before Semester 2 starts. In 2025, AnCon is running from Monday 28th July to Friday 1st August.
Where is it?
AnCon will be held at Katoomba Christian Convention (KCC), 119 Cliff Drive, Katoomba NSW 2780.
Why should I come to AnCon?
By the end of the week, it is our prayer that you will have explored Christian theology more deeply through the Bible, met lots of people and made a friend or two, been encouraged by Christian community and challenged such that your life changes in significant ways. Many EU graduates look back on previous AnCons they attended and recognise how God has used the depth of learning in many aspects of their lives.
What happens on AnCon?
We really want to make the most out of our time at AnCon. In the morning, we spend time in faculties where we will be in fellowship together with peers studying similar degrees and getting to know a Christian worker who is generously sharing their time with the EU. We will also spend time in prayer and reflection groups where you will have the space to share what’s been on your mind and have the time to pray with others. After a lunch time of good food and even better chats, there will be electives run by our Christian workers and staff on a vast array of topics. In the evening we run plenary sessions where we will hear from our speaker Rowan on our topic of Light. Truth. Love: Jesus and His Church.
There will also be scheduled personal reflection time in the mornings and ample free time in the afternoons for you to enjoy. There will be optional sporting activities, time to sign up to various EU ministries or time to just rest in the cool of the day. Take the time you need to be by yourself so you can enjoy the fruits of the conference!
What are Prayer and Reflection Groups?
Prayer and Reflection Groups happen each day of AnCon. We'll meet in the same groups each day to discuss the talk from the previous plenary session, and to think more deeply about what the Bible says and its implications for us. We’ll also spend time praying with one another in these groups.
Is there free time?
Yes! Every day, in fact. We encourage you to make use of this time to catch up with friends, make some new ones, explore Katoomba, play in our organised sports comps, or take a break so you are ready and recharged for what comes next! More information will be available closer to AnCon about what activities will be running so keep an eye out for that!
What if I can't go for the whole time?
Obviously, you'll benefit most from AnCon if you're there for the whole time – the talks, the community, the electives are all designed for you to be there for the whole week. However, if you can only come part-time, we would still love to see you there! There is a part-time option upon rego where you can pay per meal or day you will attend.
What do I need to bring?
Clothing for cold, cold weather
Clothes you can play sport in
Bedding (sleeping bag and a pillow recommended)
Toiletries, bath towel, pyjamas
A Bible if you have one (if you don't, let us know and we'll get one for you as a gift!)
Free time activities
Your EU t-shirt if you have one (you can buy one there if you don't own one)
Money to purchase any books at our on-site book store or coffee in Katoomba
Are there transport options?
Your faculties can help you find a transport option like carpooling with others from Sydney or catching the train up with a bunch of mates. If you are planning on catching the train to Katoomba, there is a chartered bus to meet you and take everyone to the KCC site. There will be an option at rego to book a spot on the bus. Either way, you’re destined to make friends doing so!
What are the different types of accommodation?
Standard accommodation is a dormitory-style room with people of the same gender. Bathrooms are shared between blocks of rooms. You could pay extra for an ensuite which has a bathroom attached to the room and will be shared with a group of other people of the same gender too.
It's pretty fun and you'll be good friends with your room by the end of the week. Room allocation is usually based on a mix of factors but primarily based on grouping faculty members together.
Can I stay offsite in accommodation I find myself?
Part of the residential conference experience is staying on-site with other students from your faculty. We're unable to provide access to AnCon for students who organise their own accommodation in the Blue Mountains. If you need financial assistance, please talk to your faculty leader, Howie or staff worker, or fill out the SUEU AnCon Loan and Subsidies Inquiry Form on the EU website.