What’s on in week 1:
In the EU we’re all about helping Sydney University students come to know Jesus, to be followers of Him, and to see change in their lives in order to glorify God in all that they do. We welcome everyone to come and be part of our activities. Here’s what’s on this week:
Public Meetings - starting for the semester!
Public Meetings start this week. Come and meet us at these locations this week:
Tue 12-1: Carslaw Lecture Theatre 275
Wed 12-1: Chemistry Lecture Theatre 1
Thu 12-1: Carslaw Lecture Theatre 175
Over the next five weeks we are considering what the Bible has to say about Ambition & Success : come and join us.
Faculty bible study
Each week our Faculties organise and run small group biblestudies. Many of these will be starting in week 1 or 2. There are often separate groups for 1st years and seniors. They give you a great opportunity to meet others in a similar degree/course. It’s never too late to join.
To sign up for Biblestudy you can complete the form below and someone will be in touch, or contact your faculty via their website pages
Social media
Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram
We can’t wait to see you in-person and on-campus - come and join us.