Welcome to the EU!
We’re all about helping Sydney University students come to know Jesus, to be followers of Him, and to see change in their lives in order to glorify God in all that they do. Everyone is welcome!
Here are some simple steps to connect with us:
1. Sign up for the EU
Click the button below and answer a few quick questions about what you are studying and how we can contact you
2. Join us at Launch Day
This is a great way to meet fellow first-year students and others around the EU.
Our Launch Day on Friday 21 February, 11:30am-4:3pm.
Check out this page for details.
3. Add Public Meetings to your calendar
Our Bible talks run weekly and are repeated three times a week, from 12-1pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, followed by lunch together afterwards from 1pm. Keep this slot free in your timetables!
4. Come say hi at our Welcome Fest stall
The EU will be running a stall on 19 & 20 Feb on Eastern Avenue. Look out for us in the green shirts. Don’t be shy, come up and say hi, meet someone from the EU and grab free food!