Training (Equip)
Equipping students to serve the EU and the local church
Equip training in the EU
Equip is the EU's training program, with courses in different ministry skills and Christian understanding. Training is one of our main three activities that all EUers are invited to be a part of, as we seek to equip students with the skills they need to serve in the EU, their churches and beyond, and to set them up for a lifetime of service! Course descriptions are found below.
Across Semester 2 2022, we are running multiple training courses to help us as we seek to share the gospel with people across campus and prepare for a life of serving the Lord Jesus.
When are courses running?
Weekly courses
We will notify participants of course locations as soon as they are finalised.
The Equip Intensive courses will be held on Tuesday 27th September 2022 from 9:15am - 4:00pm (during mid-smester break)
What course should I do?
1st years
Jesus Centred Conversations - 10 Weeks
This course has been designed as an introduction to evangelism. The course has been written so that EUers will have confidence to start conversations and prayerfully create opportunities to speak with friends about Jesus as Lord.
At the heart of the course is the Biblical reality that Jesus of Nazareth is Lord and Christ. The course seeks to better equip people speak about this great truth and the consequences that it has for everyone.
This is the course for you if you haven't done any course before!
Contact you faculty staff worker
2nd years
Changing the World through 1-2-1 ministry - 6 Weeks
A course to help you grow in your skills and confidence to faithfully read and teach others from God's Word. This course is essential for those who are Assistant Small Group Leaders, and all others who want to grow in this area of service are welcome to join! TTB is run in faculty comunities, by faculty staff, who will work out which times best suit their faculty. Talk to your faculty staff to find out more.
Tues 9: The Quad Seminar Rm S227
Tues 3: Educations Seminar Rm 434
Wed 9: Educations Seminar Rm 434
Wed 3: Law Annex Seminar Rm 115
Engaging with Muslims - 8 Weeks
Engaging with Muslims helps EUers understand more about our Muslim "cousins" in order to have meaningful conversations with them.Making friends with Muslims can encourage great conversations about faith. This course focuses on relating well to Muslims and understanding the differences between Christianity and the Islamic worldview. For everyone from beginners up.
Tues 9: The Quad Seminar Rm S422
Tues 3: Madsen Tutorial Rm 318
Wed 9: Education Seminar Rm 461
Wed 3: Education Seminar Rm 524
Ethics - 8 Weeks
This course engages with the rich and significant questions of how Christians lovingly live in the world today, serving the Lord Jesus in the context of the complex opportunities and challenges our society faces.
Wed 9: Education Seminar Rm 508
Wed 3: Eastern Ave Seminar Rm 119
Cross-Cultures - 8 Weeks
Jesus' great commission in Matthew 28 is to "Go and make disciples of every nation". We're very fortunate at the University of Sydney, and throughout Australia, because the nations have come to us. With international students and people of all cultures at our doorstep, every day is filled with amazing cross-cultural experiences and opportunities to share the Gospel. This course will inspire you to share Jesus with people across cultures, and equip you to do so in the best possible way. The Cross-Cultures course will also help give you confidence, and provides opportunities to serve in euFOCUS and other cross-cultural ministries. In our increasingly multicultural world, this course will help you learn to share Jesus with people across cultures, and to equip you to do so effectively.
Tues 9: The Quad Seminar Room S225
Tues 3: Madsen Tutorial Rm 316
Wed 9: Education Seminar Rm 527
Making Life Decisions - 1 Day Intensive (Tuesday 27th September, mid-sem break)
We all want to make good decisions. However many of us are not even sure about the direction of our lives, let alone how to make decisions to get there. This course will help you see where God is taking history, and whether your life is aligned with his trajectory. We will look at how decisions we make now relate to seeing God's kingdom grow, particularly amongst the less reached and the less resourced."
So you won’t feel fatigued - think:
15 minute bite size sections with time to go and do exercises on your own.
come hear from an LRLR worker as we eat lunch and ask them about their life decisions
two distinct segments: 9am - 1pm then 3-5pm, so a nice big break!
To be confirmed
Final year students
Working in God's World - 1 Day Intensive (Tuesday 27th September, mid-sem break)
This course is for all those who are preparing for life in the workforce. It is designed to help students work out what to think (and do) about work as you start out in this new chapter of your life. By providing a biblical perspective on working after university, WGW focuses on glorifying God through your work.
While the particular emphasis of WGW is for graduating students, you may also like to do this course as you start on an internship or if you spend a lot of your time in the workforce.
Are you in your last year of uni? This is the course recommended for you!
To be confirmed