Project 200 Resources

Online resources

We have sought to pull together a range of resources that we think will help you in your thinking about gospel work.

We have also curated some ‘playlists’ with resources around particular topics.

Alternatively, you can browse the complete list here

If you’re starting to think about ministry

Navigating the expectations of your 20s

Your 20s can feel like a time with lots of expectations. Do well at uni, get a good job, sort out finances, figure out relationships. It can all feel a little overwhelming! And can be even more complicated if you are also prayerfully working toward vocational Christian ministry.

In this episode, Laura, Anna and James, reflect on Biblical wisdom and their own life experiences to help you navigate the expectations of your 20s alongside aspiring to Christian ministry

Why ministry?

It’s an honour and privilege to disciple God’s people — some even say it’s the best job in the world. But why should you want to do ministry? Mike Weeks has thought about that a fair bit. He’s the Assistant Minister at Cathedral Church of the Advent in Birmingham, Alabama. We speak with Mike about his motivation for ministry, and his encouragement to those considering it.

Growing an evangelistic heart

We speak with Anna about how she grew a heart for evangelism, while in the EU and especially during her time as a Howie. She shares with us how making the most of evangelistic opportunities as a student has helped establish a trajectory of life-long evangelism.

Considering an apprenticeship

Making decisions about undertaking a ministry apprenticeship

Laura and Alice speak about their decisions to undertake a ministry apprenticeship. Along the way they discuss suitable timing for commencing an apprenticeship and talking with family and work. Alice also reflects upon some of the significant things that she has been learning about ministry from being part of the Howie program.

The value of a ministry apprenticeship before theological training

If you’re thinking about heading into ministry, you might be wondering about whether to head straight to Bible college, or maybe stop by a church or parachurch organisation and complete a ministry apprenticeship.

There are advantages to both! In this conversation, Josh Hoole walks us through his decision to complete a ministry apprenticeship with the EU before heading to Moore Theological College. We speak with Josh about the value and benefits of undertaking a ministry apprenticeship prior to formal theological study.

Learning to care for people and making wise ministry decisions

In part, Gospel work is about caring for people. So how do you do that, when decisions are difficult and people are complex and things happen?!

Owen Robson is a former Howie and current gospel worker. We chat with him about how to make wise ministry decisions and keep caring for people at the heart of our work.

The strategic value of student ministry

Why university ministry? What is so strategic about it? Moussa shares with us some of his observations from over 20 years of ministry as to the value and significance of undertaking ministry on a university campus.

We also talk about why undertaking a ministry apprenticeship on campus will give you a great training experience and provide solid ministry foundations for life.

Ministry overseas / The LRLR

Heading to Portugal and speaking with family about mission

Em and her husband are heading to Portugal in 2022 to serve university students. We speak with Em about how she made the decision to leave Pharmacy to head to overseas mission, and some of the challenges in speaking with her family about these changes.

Why the LRLR?

Why should we consider sending more workers to the Less reached and Less Resourced (LRLR) parts of the globe? Celia and Seth share with us the theological significance of the LRLR and why we need to send more workers into LRLR places. We talk about what it takes to have a mindset orientated towards the LRLR and are reminded of the great gospel need around the world and how we can take steps in our consideration of going as gospel workers to the LRLR.

Considering ministry overseas

If you're thinking about overseas ministry, what needs to happen before you jump on a plane? We speak with Ryan Verghese who is heading into missionary service with his family in 2022 about the pathway to overseas mission and some of the ways to be trained an equipped to serve overseas.

Cross cultural ministry

We speak with Ben about what undertaking cross cultural ministry looks like. We speak with Ben about some of the opportunities for cross cultural ministry whole at uni. He shares with us some insights into how to develop a heart for cross cultural ministry as well as what practical steps you can take now to establish a life-log trajectory of reaching other cultures for Jesus.

Preparing for ministry overseas

Rob and his family serve as missionaries in Vanuatu. We speak with Rob Falls about the value of great training to prepare for overseas mission, and some of the challenges in deciding to go to serve the LRLR.

Local church ministry

People vs Programs. The role of a church pastor

Richard serves as an assistant minister in the Inner West and chats with us about the uniqueness of parish ministry. We consider the place of ministry programs and talk about the importance of loving people.

Pastoring a small church

There are some unique joys (and challenges) associated with being in a small local church ministry.

The local church is 'homebase' for Christians. How does that... work? What do you do?

Alan Au is the pastor at Captivate Church in North Ryde, and shares with Paddy lessons from his experience of ministry.