Find Hope Again

Where do you find hope?
Remember the time when you had hope?
When you looked forward to things being better?
When hope gave you a feeling of excitement and anticipation?
Wondered where that feelings gone? Why?
As Christians we have a sure and certain hope - that a relationship with Jesus makes sense of life and gives us hope for the future, in all aspects of life.
During weeks 4 and 5 of second semester the EU would love to invite you to come and join us to consider where might we find hope again. You are warmly invited to any of the event listed below.

Jesus - more than a good teacher
Jesus is famous for his engaging and creative teaching. We will look at some of his teaching moments and consider whether more is actually going on.
Wednesday 12-1pm, Week 4, Education Lecture Theatre 351
Thursday 12-1pm, Week 4, Education Lecture Theatre 351
An invitation from EUers in education

Hope beyond education
Education changes the world! It is amazingly valuable, but sometimes not enough. Teachers burnout and student outcomes are mixed. Hear from Anna why she left teaching, and what gives hope beyond education.
Wednesday 12-1pm, Week 5, Education Lecture Theatre 351
Thursday 12-1pm, Week 5, Education Lecture Theatre 351
An invitation from EUers in education

Family Values: Hope that won't let you down
Thursday 5:30pm, Week 4, Barneys Church, Broadway
An invitation for International students

Family Values: Hope of our Father's freedom from suffering and death'
Thursday 5:30pm, Week 4, Barneys Church, Broadway
An invitation for International students

Sushi & Suffering
How can a loving God and suffering in the world co-exist? Hear a talk while also eating sushi (suffering from wasabi optional)
Thursday 1:00pm, Week 4, Location: Civil Engineering Room 304
An invitation from EUers in Engineering

Pizza & Purpose
Are you hoping for a perfect internship? Eat free pizza and chat about what gives your life purpose.
Thursday 1:00pm, Week 5, Location: Civil Engineering Room 304
An invitation from EUers in Engineering

Faith vs Facts
Wednesday 12:00pm, Week 4, Location: Physics Road Learning Hub, Seminar Room G19
An invitation from EUers in Science/Vet

The resurrection
Wednesday 12:00pm, Week 5, Location: Physics Road Learning Hub Seminar Room G19
An invitation from EUers in Science/Vet

Hope in the workplace
Q&A with Alex Connolly (Immutable) and a testimony from a female within the faculty on hope in adversity.
Wednesday 6:30pm, Week 4, Location: TBA
An invitation from EUers in Business & Law

Hope in the workplace
Q&A with Tim Sims (Pacific Equity Partners) and a testimony from a female within the faculty on hope in adversity.
Thursday 6:30pm, Week 5, Location: TBA
An invitation from EUers in Business & Law

How can there be hope in weakness?
A DIAGNOSIS of a degenerative disease with NO CURE! We know that our talents are useful, but what do we do with our weaknesses? Christine was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, a "degenerative disease with no cure". She will share how she can have hope in weakness and even delight in her weakness. Christine is studying a master in public health.
Thursday 12:00pm, Week 4, SWHB Sem Room 304
Tuesday 12:00pm, Week 5, Nanoscience Sem Rm 4001
An invitation from EUers in Health

Hope in the midst of pain
How do we navigate managing the pain in life that we feel. Come and here from Dr Phil Siddal who research is in the area of pain management. We will also hear what the Bible says about dealing with pain in life.
Wednesday 12:00pm, Week 5, SuWak Lec Theatre 320
An invitation from EUers in Health

Hope in a pandemic of loneliness
It's often said that we're more connected than ever, but are we really? Even before the Covid pandemic hit it was reported that 1 in 4 Australians were lonely. Why is this experience so widespread? Why does connecting with others seem like such a mountain?
Come and hear about a hope that we can hold onto in a pandemic of loneliness.
Tuesday 12:00pm, Week 4, Location: The Refectory
An invitation from EUers in Arts

Hope in power : our leaders, Jesus and where we stand
What makes a good leader? Can we trust them? Are they going to use their power for good? Can we really hope in our leaders and what they promise us?
Week 5 Wednesday 12pm with Matt Aroney in The Quad Refectory
An invitation from EUers in Arts

Social Work? Hopeful Work?
Hope from a professional social worker’s perspective
Come and hear from social worker, Laura, who works in homelessness. Hear about her experience in this field and how she finds hope when work is hard and confronting.
Week 5 Wednesday 1pm with Laura Nolan in Law Annex Seminar Room 440
An invitation from EUers in Social Work

Hoping for a perfect internship
Are you hoping for a perfect internship? Eat free pizza and chat about what gives your life purpose.
Wednesday 3:00pm, Week 4, Location: TBA
An invitation from EUers in Design

Hope beyond the campus experience
Hear from a design graduate on how God and architecture interact.
Monday 12:00pm, Week 5, Location: TBA
An invitation from EUers in Design

Finding hope beyond academia?
Cut funding. Cut jobs. Chronic overwork and precarious short-term contracts. Has Australia's tertiary sector reached crisis point? How do we grapple with that despondency? The four Christian academics on our panel will share where they find hope in the midst of desperation and despair. Featuring:
Luke Barnes, lecturer in astronomy and cosmology at UWS (PhD Cambridge)
Leisa Aitken, clinical psychologist and PhD candidate is psychology
Luke Tucker, historian (PhD Sydney)
Dominic Kasah, current M.Phil candidate in philosophy.
Thursday 12:00pm, Week 5, Education 424
An invitation from EU Postgrads and Staff