Celebrating women in ministry
A conversation with Karen, Katie & Chim - 34mins
When I was a student in the EU we just had one female senior staff worker. Now there are 7! It’s not that women have not been active serving in the past its just that there are increasing opportunities, flexibilities and a changing landscape.
It’s wonderful we are now releasing more women to serve in their areas of gifting and passion for the Glory of Christ. We wanted to celebrate that today by hearing from three female staff at the EU, their stories, their encouragements and their challenges. We also wanted to acknowledge that men are key to this story too. It’s men who have encouraged women to develop their gifting and provide suitable platforms for them to serve.
With more women in the EU than men, same as our whole university, this comes as a huge blessing. So while this is about women, we encourage and acknowledge men as key players in this kingdom growth in the past and into the future.